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Definition of "keepy-uppy" []

  • Alternative spelling of keepie-uppie. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "keepy-uppy" in a sentence
  • ""As if England played Argentina at Wembley, went back the next week to play them at five-a-side, and then took them on at keepy-uppy.""
  • "Meanwhile, a top-flight game had to be abandoned in the final minute when a player was hounded off the field by opponents after a blasé spell of playing keepy-uppy."
  • "The Brazil striker eventually popped the question, while Milene broke the world keepy-uppy record, gave birth to baby Ronald "My wife and I eat a lot at McDonald's so we chose Ronald," explained the toothy one and was selected for Brazil's 2003 women's World Cup campaign."