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Definition of "jury-rigging" []

  • Present participle of jury-rig. (verb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "jury-rigging" in a sentence
  • "The demographics read only D +3 registration, but the district went for Obama by 14%, so who knows what jury-rigging was involved in the gerrymandering after the 2000 Census?"
  • "He announces unspecified penalties, but promises they'll be less severe "if we find that not a lot of homeowners were injured" - which is exactly the "finding" he's been jury-rigging the numbers in order to achieve."
  • "I think the programs created by the New Deal and the monetary jury-rigging that went on in our society exacerbated the Great Depression and pushed us farther down."
Words like "jury-rigging"