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Definition of "juramentado" []

  • One who has taken an oath; specifically, a Mohammedan Malay or Moro who has sworn to die in killing as many persons, especially Christians or enemies, as he can. (noun)

The Century Dictionary (Public Domain)

Use "juramentado" in a sentence
  • "Piang's big, black eyes filled with mystery when he described how the juramentado rides to the abode of the blessed on a shadowy, white horse, taller than a carabao, just as dusk is falling."
  • "Nervously the men wandered about; the two wounded men became the center of attraction and related for the hundredth time their sensations when the juramentado had struck them down."
  • "That night as the Americans swung along under the dome of brilliant stars, a question arose as to the meaning of juramentado."