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Definition of "judaizers" []

Gnu Collaboartive International Dictionary of English: licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Use "judaizers" in a sentence
  • "As far as I can remember, the religious sects of "judaizers" exist only in Russia and Hungary."
  • "One would expect to uncover an even richer mine of information there because the entirety of Portuguese Jewry, which was comprised of a majority of Spanish exiles, was forcibly converted in 1497; thus this group of conversos was far more homogeneous than that of Spain and the judaizers among them had more recent access to their heritage."
  • "Christians from the Law of Moses against heretical teachers; but be never had to defend himself against his bitterest enemies, the judaizers, for his teaching on Christ and the principal points of doctrine contained in these two Epistles, the obvious reason being that his teaching must have been in perfect harmony with that of The"
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