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Definition of "jouncy" []

  • Bumpy or bouncy (adjective) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "jouncy" in a sentence
  • "This week marks the seventh anniversary of French Word-A-Day -- and what better way to celebrate than with a bouncy, jouncy, full-of-beans puppy king!"
  • ""Wicked" -- a jouncy, pyrotechnical "Wizard of Oz" prequel that has been running on Broadway since 2003 -- is wildly beloved and continually shatters box office records both in New York and on tour."
  • "He touches on this at the beginning and end, but most of his narrative is an engaging odyssey by questionable boats and jouncy automobiles through "a vast, malarial dystopia of stinking swamps, thorns, bandits, bugs the size of rats and dark carnivorous forest"—and one with an equally seamy history."