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Definition of "jimp" []

  • Neat; trim; delicate; slender; handsome; spruce; elegant. (adjective)
  • Scant; barely sufficient. (adjective) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "jimp" in a sentence
  • "Only Shakspeare and Scott could have given us medicines to make us like this cowardly, conceited “jimp honest” fellow, Andrew"
  • "There was no sign of Lachesis and Clotho, but Atropos was writing at the table, and Annette was on hand, stony-eyed but mighty jimp in a gown that seemed to consist of flowers and gauze."
  • "Sae saying, I gared him climb a rape by whilk he gat abune the riggin o 'the bield, then steeking to the door thro' whilk he gaed, I jimp had trailed doun the rape, when in rinned twa red coat chiels, who couping ilka ane i 'their gait begun to touzle out the ben, and the de'il gaed o'er Jock Wabster."
Words like "jimp"