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Definition of "investment banker" []

  • A banker who deals chiefly in underwriting new securities (noun)

WordNet. Princeton University. 2010.

Use "investment banker" in a sentence
  • "They all show demonstrable evidence of paranormal-like abilities in their daily lives, like the investment banker who repeatedly followed his hunches in recommending emerging technologies that have created windfalls for clients, or the psychiatrist who sees dreamlike images in sessions with clients that often lead to breakthroughs in their therapy."
  • "There is something a little crazynot rational at allabout some bow-tied young investment banker in New York taking steps that will force a company to shut down a plant in the name of maximizing value for the shareholders, when the shareholders might include the pension fund for the workers in that very plant, or other workers getting the same treatment from another investment banker down the street."
  • "As far back as 1982, an investment banker named Leo Dworsky wrote in the Christian Science Monitor that the Middle East could withstand “more downright strategic ambiguity.”"
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