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Definition of "invertebrates" []

  • Plural form of invertebrate. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "invertebrates" in a sentence
  • "The fish employs this sense to find and root up insect larvae and other invertebrates from the mud and sand of the river - or lakebed."
  • "Lwoff became close friends with Edgar Lederer and was the original inspiration for Lederer's and Kuhn's studies of polyenes in invertebrates."
  • "The lower animals devoid of backbones, and therefore called invertebrates, are not so well-known except to the student of comparative anatomy, because they are not so often met with, and because they are usually very small or microscopic; but in many respects their importance to the evolutionist surpasses that of the vertebrates."
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