Directed inward; marked by interest in oneself or concerned with inner feelings. Contrasted with <ant>extroversive</ant>.(adjective)
Gnu Collaboartive International Dictionary of English: licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)
Use "introversive" in a sentence
"In this maximally condensed introversive garden, your personal biosphere, a variety of organisms, similar to the plants, animals and people that existed on my grandfather's farm, would be living together."
"Without Leos Carax's all-caps MERDE between them, the sad, introversive films by Michel Gondry and Bong Joon-ho might make the exclamation point at the end of the title seem ironic."
"This activity will help your students to build their confidence, moreover, try to find out those children in your class who are introversive and make some resourceful plan to activate them in every class activities."