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Definition of "ingraft" [in•graft]

  • Alternative spelling of engraft. (verb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "ingraft" in a sentence
  • "Wherefore according as acts of virtue act causally or dispositively toward their generation and preservation, obedience is said to ingraft and protect all virtues."
  • "The countrey people, when they have any dead beast, they cary it into the mountaines, or where they suppose the sayd Vultures to haunt, they seeing the carion doe immediately greedily seize vpon it, and doe so ingraft their talents, that they cannot speedily rise agayne, by reason whereof the people come and kill them: sometimes they kill them with dogs, and sometimes with such weapons as they haue."
  • "One of their answers they did not give forth publicly, but only to us in private -- when they said that the writings of the New Testament had been tampered with by unknown persons who desired to ingraft the Jewish law into the"