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Definition of "incuriosity" [in•cu•ri•os•i•ty]

  • The quality or state of lacking curiosity (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "incuriosity" in a sentence
  • "Writer Martin Amis tried to put his finger on it just days after the planes plunged into the twin towers: "Various national characteristics -- self-reliance, a fiercer patriotism than any in western Europe, an assiduous geographical incuriosity -- have created a deficit of empathy for the sufferings of people far away.""
  • "The methodology behind the White House data is, as usual with any White House, opaque, and they show a strange incuriosity for time-series data."
  • "In place of imperial condescension, we now have a kind of globalised incuriosity."