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Definition of "in-universe" [in-universe]

  • Referring to a perspective or view from the context of a fictional world, in contrast to a perspective from the real world. (adjective) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "in-universe" in a sentence
  • "The in-universe marketing plan is only one side of the equation, and some blatant (i.e. traditional) marketing is also required, but using fiction to sell fiction is still a under-developed area which needs more uptake before being dismissed."
  • "The time on the digital clock also corresponds with the in-universe time of the show so if a character stipulates that something will happen within an hour it will usually take place before the end of that episode."
  • "Originally introduced as concept art that ultimately became the basis for bounty hunter Boba Fett, the Mandalorians have been favorites within the Star Wars fan community for years, even though much remains to be discovered about their culture, their history, or their in-universe origins."