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Definition of "in time" []

  • At or before the time assigned. (phrase)
  • Sufficiently early. (phrase)
  • As time passes. (phrase)
  • In rhythm. (phrase)
  • At the same rhythm as. (phrase) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "in time" in a sentence
  • "They had, in a manner of speaking, been able to travel back in time and show that the autoimmune reaction in lupus patients was a slow-brew reaction to an Epstein-Barr exposure that had occurred months, years, or even decades before."
  • "David and Chris Stewart, accompanied by the dog, take a seven-and-a-half- mile walk through the haunts of the Carter familyWe drive from Bristol to Cornwall in just a few hours, which reminds us that Cornwall has become close enough for city types to weekend in their cottages and get back in time for work on Monday – a far cry from the days the journey must of taken in Harry Carter's time."
  • "I shrugged the remains of the chair from my arm and reached the hallway just in time to see the front door slam open and Pudd's long brown frame disappear to the right."
Words like "in time"
a stitch in time saves nine
just in time
stitch in time