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Definition of "in the mean time" []

  • Alternative form of in the meantime. (adverb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "in the mean time" in a sentence
  • "I have been constantly indisposed, dear Zmeskall, since I last saw you; in the mean time the servant who lived with you before your present one has applied for my situation."
  • "Anon the coach comes: in the mean time there coming a News thither with his horse to go over, that told us he did come from Islington this morning; and that Proctor the vintner of the Miter in Wood-street, and his son, are dead this morning there, of the plague; he having laid out abundance of money there, and was the greatest vintner for some time in London for great entertainments."
  • "As I am in the mean time writing several other works, I did not hurry myself much with this last movement merely for the sake of punctuality, especially as I must write this more deliberately, with a view to Rode's [2] playing; we like quick, full-toned passages in our Finales, which do not suit R., and this rather cramps me."