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Definition of "in perpetuity" []

  • For an indefinitely long time; "bequeathed to the nation in perpetuity" (adverb)
  • For life; "desire happiness in perpetuity"; "an annuity paid in perpetuity" (adverb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "in perpetuity" in a sentence
  • "The secrecy was urgent and complete; if Ahenobarbus, Poplicola, Fonteius, Furnius, Sosius, or any other Roman in Antioch guessed that Antony was selling in perpetuity and without tribute what belonged to Rome in perpetuity and was merely leased to client-kings in return for tribute, then there would be a convulsion so great Antony might find himself in chains and shipped back to Rome."
  • "Dutiful sons should always so emulate their fathers, and in this way will one generation be a light that shines in perpetuity to every other."
  • "In addition to its six-month free ride less ten per cent, Syndicate must be guaranteed 'exemption in perpetuity from all local levies, taxes and tariffs in the Designated Areas'."