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Definition of "in advance of" [in advance of]

  • Before; ahead of. (preposition) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "in advance of" in a sentence
  • "Scheiner, and Secchi are famous as astronomers; Athanasius Kircher was a polyhistor in the best sense of the term; Hardouin, though frequently hypercritical and eccentric, was a most acute critic and in many ways far in advance of his age; Petavius was the father of the historical treatment of dogma and a leader in chronology; and the"
  • "Such a combination was bound to be disastrous, since Lord Germain was careful in his instructions to absolve both himself and the king in advance of any failure in the field."
  • "Presoak precooked grains overnight and prepare in advance of the meal."
Words like "in advance of"