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Definition of "improvising" []

  • Present participle of improvise. (verb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "improvising" in a sentence
  • "THE Hawaiian people have been from time immemorial lovers of poetry and music, and have been apt in improvising historic poems, songs of love, and chants of worship, so that praises of the living or wails over the dead were with them but the natural statement of their feelings."
  • "Now, here's the thing that sucks about this, NOW: when I am improvising, which is pretty much what I was doing tonight, just making it up as I went along I can't remember anything that I said, or did."
  • "Arne Moll, 7 February 2009, 11.11: Frits, I thought you meant remembering and playing (fixed) music rather than composing or improvising, which is of course something completely ..."
Words like "improvising"