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Definition of "imprecisely" [imprecisely]

  • In an imprecise manner. (adverb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "imprecisely" in a sentence
  • "But some reporters have used the term imprecisely, conveying the idea that a fatwa is the equivalent of a death sentence, or indiscriminately, using the term to describe what many would argue are political statements by terrorist groups, rather than religious rulings."
  • "I then given an example, which Kevin imprecisely describes as “a dumb email [Bernstein] received that used the term both incorrectly and insultingly.”"
  • "We laypeople tend to use the word imprecisely to allude to fragility or vulnerability in old people, but for physicians and researchers, frailty is a specific medical syndrome with measurable criteria."
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