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Definition of "impliedly" [im•pli•ed•ly]

  • In an implied manner. (adverb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "impliedly" in a sentence
  • "The Administration now seeks to claim that the Congress -- when it enacted its 2001 resolution authorizing the use of military force in Afghanistan and against al Qaeda -- somehow intended with that Resolution to amend FISA and thereby silently and "impliedly" gave the Administration the right to engage in exactly the secret, warrantless eavesdropping on American citizens which FISA makes it a criminal offense to engage in."
  • "The NFL argued that it would be better to distinguish between expressly and impliedly false endorsements, and require evidence that consumers received an endorsement message for impliedly false endorsements."
  • "The seat is part of the car, and the driver who takes control of the car impliedly has control of the seat."