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Definition of "iliacus" [iliacus]

  • The iliac muscle, occupying the venter of the ilium or iliac fossa, and passing over the brim of the pelvis to be inserted with the psoas magnus into the trochanter minor of the femur. See cut under muscle.
  • In ornith., the technical specific name of the redwing or red-winged thrush, Turdes iliacus: probably given from the coloration of the flanks.

The Century Dictionary (Public Domain)

Use "iliacus" in a sentence
  • "Some boreal birds, such as the American robin (Turdus migratorius), penetrate only into the southern part of the tundra while others can occur far from the area of their continuous distribution (climatic optimum): in the vicinity of Dixon (Taymir), the forest thrushes T. pilaris and T. iliacus form populations in the northernmost part of the tundra zone, 400 km from the last outposts of the forests."
  • "On its outer side are situated the anterior crural nerve, and the femoral parts of the psoas and iliacus muscles."
  • "This membrane is then to be gently raised by the fingers, from off the iliacus and psoas muscles as far inwards as the margin of the true pelvis where the artery lies."