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Definition of "ier" [ier]

  • A suffix denoting the agent, the same as -er with an original verb-formative preceding.
  • Another form of the suffix -eer, retaining the French spelling, and occurring in more recent words from the French, as in brigadier, halberdier, etc. See -eer, -er.

The Century Dictionary (Public Domain)

Use "ier" in a sentence
  • "Take a look at casual games, or even hardcore (ier) flash games today: A lot of times they lack graphical detail and/or background information like the games of old (In fact, the caual/web/mobile game industry is much like the olden days of gaming in more than one aspect - but that's for another time) and yet, I generally do not feel that coveted emotoinal connection."
  • "A more recent and even woo-ier explanation of how dilutions workis that homeopathic preparations allow water to maintain a memory of the substance that was once dissolved in it, even if the substance has been completed diluted out of solution."
  • "The flavors can vary dramatically, and the “peat-ier” ones will have a strong, “leather” flavor to them."
Words like "ier"
doorless gateless
uncompleted unheated