Informal Eating Out which is a term used to categorize sectors of the food industry where you can buy food but don't need to book a table.(initialism) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License
Use "ieo" in a sentence
"Nomen Poius venit a verbo GrascoPo - Z24 ieo, qood latine fignificat volvere, feu in gy* rum agere, quia circa ifios omnino immotot aftra oontinue volvi coiKipiuntur •"
"Thc board of railroad commissioners is raiBBioners may i • i ..,, order a passen - hcrcby authorizcd, upon the petition or twenty ieo; al ger station to be. x - .1 - £• 4 1 4. xv 1 i - i. zl erected at Bouih votcrs 01 the towu ot Amhei'st, alter due notice to the Amherst."
"L. ieo, §33, hundred and sixty is hereby amended by adding at the end thereof the following: —, and in such cases the clerk of tlie police, district or municipal court shall transmit to the clerk of the superior court a copy of the complaint and of the record, the original recognizances, a list of the witnesses, a statement of the expenses and the appearance of the attorney amended."