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Definition of "idolatries" [idolatries]

  • Plural form of idolatry. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "idolatries" in a sentence
  • "In harmony with the preceding promises of God, the penitential confessions of Israel are heard. high places -- The scene of their idolatries is the scene of their confessions."
  • "Jeremiah addresses Jerusalem under the figure of a woman, who, in grief for her lost children, deprives her head of its chief ornament and goes up to the hills to weep (Jud 11: 37, 38; Isa 15: 2). hair -- flowing locks, like those of a Nazarite. high places -- The scene of her idolatries is to be the scene of her mourning (Jer 3: 21). generation of his wrath -- the generation with which He is wroth."
  • "Jesuits, who, like streams, conveyed the venom and poison of their errors and idolatries from the spring-head through the earth."