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Definition of "humoristically" []

  • In a humoristic way. (adverb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "humoristically" in a sentence
  • "The author humoristically proposes a new role for Mr. Chirac\'s nation, which remains a Great, albeit silent, Power. '"
  • "A Frenchman, under the title "La dyspepsie des gens d'esprit," in the Paris _Revue Scientifique_ of August 18, shows how utterly disregarded are the sanitary rules at the dinners of well bred people in France; and an American lady in a recent edition of a well known New York daily humoristically enlarges upon the offenses committed against health by persons of her own sex while dining in the largest city of the United States."
  • "I can’t connect the info on this McLaren in Wikipedia to ID, not humoristically."