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Definition of "how much" []

  • What is the cost/price. (adverb)
  • What quantity. (adverb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "how much" in a sentence
  • "Our instinctive worshipfulness then comes to the fore with all these created things; how much more when we encounter the Source of it all—God, who is Beauty, Truth, and Goodness?"
  • "I really don't need any less-than-subtle chocolate scents reminding me how much I'd love to have a hot fudge sundae right this very minute."
  • "The most telling work detailing what contaminants are entering our bodies and how much toxicity accumulates in our cells and bloodstreams over time comes from a 2003 study by the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City, in collaboration with the Environmental Working Group EWG, an advocacy organization in Washington, D.C. Their findings reveal the “body burden” of environmental chemicals and heavy metals carried by the average American."