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Definition of "horologer" []

  • A maker or seller of clocks and watches. (noun)
  • One skilled in horology. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "horologer" in a sentence
  • "At the top of the entry stairs stands a massive gilt astronomer's clock made by the great French horologer Detouche for the Paris Universal Exposition of 1855."
  • "We mention these things at the mair length, because we would have you all to know, that it is not without due consideration of the circumstances of all parties, that we design, in a small and private way, to honour with our own royal presence the marriage of Lord Glenvarloch with Margaret Ramsay, daughter and heiress of David Ramsay, our horologer, and a cadet only thrice removed from the ancient house of Dalwolsey."
  • "David Ramsay, watchmaker and horologer to James I., was a real person, though the author has taken the liberty of pressing him into the service of fiction."
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