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Definition of "homologized" []

  • Simple past tense and past participle of homologize. (verb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "homologized" in a sentence
  • "Patagium - ia: in Lepidoptera, those sclerites that cover the base of primaries: often used as synonymous with tegula and squamula, q.v.: assigned by some writers to the pro -, by others to the meso-thorax: homologized with the paraptera of meso-thorax."
  • "Parapteron - era: small sclerites, articulated to the dorsal extremity of the episternum, just below the wings; absent on prothorax = the tegulae of Hymenoptera, and patagia of Lepidoptera: have been homologized with the elytra of Coleoptera."
  • "The transition from this to the great double axe from Hagia Triada in the Candia Museum [212] is a relatively easy one, which was materially helped, as we shall see, by the fact that the winged disk was actually homologized with an axe or knife as alternative weapons used by the sun-god for the destruction of mankind."
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