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Definition of "homilist" [hom•i•list]

  • One who prepares homilies; one who preaches to a congregation. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "homilist" in a sentence
  • "The homilist will be the Rev. Edward Correia, pastor of St. Michael's in Fall River, with whom Deacon Deston served as a seminarian."
  • "The homilist was Father Jerry Wooten, assistant pastor of the church that hosted the Mass, Holy Trinity in Gainesville, Va."
  • "It was interesting to watch, at the Saturday night vigil, my exemplary priest muddle through these changes with his usual open heart, and it was interesting to see the highly sophisticated reader, homilist and teacher struggle through the stiff and unwieldy and language of "corrected" sections of the mass."