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Definition of "hobbyism" []

  • An interest in hobbies. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "hobbyism" in a sentence
  • "And on the other, more important point about “book hobbyism,” well, yes and no: at the same time that blogging has “helped prop up the other, worser idea that what we in the humanities do ought to be done for free” it has also opened new and extremely productive discourse communities and even in some cases actively professionalized (in the best sense) what used to be hobbies and private obsessions."
  • "We need to get off the activist-hobbyism, enough with the signs on the street corners, and the weekend larks on the Mall, and get to work on uniting America's activists for really the first time."
  • "The time for messages and activist-hobbyism is over."
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