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Definition of "hippish" [hippish]

  • Somewhat hypochondriac; melancholy. (adjective) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "hippish" in a sentence
  • "There it was, finally, complete with the slate-gray lighting, blaring hippish soundtrack and chirpy “greeters” — Britney, Mariah, Amber, Becky, Megan, you know the type — just inside the double doors, anxious as all get-out to welcome you to your next dining experience."
  • "About the only really "nice" character is Lou and he's almost too nice in his hippish, everyone-get-along, all-you-need-is love way."
  • "I am a whimsical fellow, as you doubtless remember, and have lately grown, they tell me, rather hippish besides."