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Definition of "heterodyned" []

  • Simple past tense and past participle of heterodyne. (verb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "heterodyned" in a sentence
  • "Accordingly, their field is so heterodyned that the force is an almost level one gee for some 2000 kilometers up from the surface; then, within the space of a single kilometer, the artificial attraction drops to zero and the acceleration experienced is merely that due to the asteroid's mass."
  • "If he could just bring those forces to bear - But they heterodyned to form a hollow shell, and the requirements of feedback made their very creation dependent on a high background count."
  • "The memory of that moment last year, when his body pattern flowed in currents and magnetic fields through hers, when the two patterns heterodyned and deep within her the first crystallization took place, glowed in him."
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