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Definition of "hernial" [her•ni•al]

  • Of or relating to a hernia. (adjective) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "hernial" in a sentence
  • "A hernial sound rises from each page, as if the author were hoisting a world of scholarship onto his shoulders, and to his credit, that labor produces a stream of insights."
  • "During one particularly intense session of meditation, the patient had a vivid recollection of being three years old, and suffering a severe double hernial rupture, caused by a weakening of the muscles in the pelvic region."
  • "The peculiarity of this hernia, as distinguished from the congenital form, is owing to the scrotum containing two sacs, -- the tunica vaginalis and the proper sac of the hernia; whereas, in the congenital variety, the tunica vaginalis itself becomes the hernial sac by a direct reception of the naked intestine."