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Definition of "hempy" []

  • Like hemp. (adjective) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "hempy" in a sentence
  • "Frankly, the kid's problem is he looks too Takoma Park, with his sport sandals, hempy yoga jerseys and Patagonia khakis."
  • "And we're not talking about the hempy, straw colored stereotypically "earth-friendly" looks of yore either - sophisticated, elegant garments from designers like Luis Valenzuela, Auralis, Samantha Pleet and JoAnn Berman enlightened fashionistas in the audience about what sustainable fashion can look like when its done right."
  • "One day last fall, my ex and I were standing in line at the LCBO and I let him pull out his wallet to pay for all the booze in arms, but instead he pulled out a hempy velcro excuse for a wallet."