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Definition of "heedlessly" []

  • In a heedless manner. (adverb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "heedlessly" in a sentence
  • "In a globalised world when governments badly need to win the confidence of international exchange markets, the idea of heedlessly borrowing and spending your way out of recession is as outdated as the films of George Formby and Gracie Fields."
  • "No, after only five lines, this coal front group  was back on the attack against -- not reckless mining practices -- but the Environmental Protection Agency, for "heedlessly" seeking to stop water pollution caused by mountaintop-removal mining."
  • "At first Panayev used to write very often and assure me he would not act "heedlessly," underlining this word, but he is subdued now and keeps silent like a child who has misbehaved at mealtime."
Words like "heedlessly"