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Definition of "headstart" []

  • Alternative spelling of head start. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "headstart" in a sentence
  • "Anyhow, in this interview, Detoc visualizes a future where the film is the tie-in product, and the game is the lead -- and to keep one from being a knock-off or cash-in opportunity, Ubisoft believes in integrating tech, assets and production from the get-go, and that's why it's getting a headstart now."
  • "Companies that rely on government spending have a bit of a headstart when it comes to boosting morale, since they've had to cope with employee jitters for the past six months as Congress debated budget matters that could impact them."
  • "Verizon Wireless is considered to have a headstart in offering products that run on its fourth-generation network, a point emphasized in its advertisements."
Words like "headstart"