Gnu Collaboartive International Dictionary of English: licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)
Use "hasard" in a sentence
"~~~~~~~~~~~~French Vocabulary~~~~~~~~~~~ chez eux = at their place; les chaleurs = heat (dog's heat); Ils se sont échappés = they escaped; je ne comprends pas = I don't understand; la bonneterie (f) = hosier's/lingerie shop; le mystère (m) = mystery; Excusez-moi ... vous n'avez pas -- par hasard -- vu deux chiens?"
"Monday, June 01, 2009 at 04: 05 AM j'adore l'addition de trois mots au hasard."
"Bresson's most sublime and devastating vision, "Au hasard Balthazar" 1966, is a modern-day fable about a long-suffering donkey victimized by his owners' pride, greed, lust and sadism."