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Definition of "guayacan" [guayacan]

  • The lignum-vitæ, Guaiacum officinale and G. sanctum. (noun)
  • In the southwestern United States and Mexico, a shrub or small tree, Porlieria angustifolia, closely related to the lignumvitæ. (noun)
  • In Argentina, a large leguminous tree, Cæsalpinia melanocarpa, yielding a very hard, heavy wood which resembles lignumvitæ except that it is of a reddish-black color. Its fruits are used for tanning and dyeing in the same manner as divi-divi. (noun)
  • In Panama, a bignoniaceous tree, Tecoma Guayacan. (noun)

The Century Dictionary (Public Domain)

Use "guayacan" in a sentence
  • "Here we are referring to "guayacan" or "palo santo" (Guyacum officinialis) and"
  • "Valuable timber species such as mahogany, cedar, 'siricote' and 'guayacan' are being exhausted through over-exploitation."
  • "Shooting down the cañon came a giant guayacan (a near relation of the true hard-wood trees which will not float); it must have stood a hundred and fifty feet before the water had eaten away the bank wherein it was rooted, and it had toppled over like a ninepin, to be swept, perhaps, hundreds of miles, and finally to be caught in the boulders and form yet another "snag.""