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Definition of "griego" [grie•go]

Gnu Collaboartive International Dictionary of English: licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Use "griego" in a sentence
  • "Some say it's a corruption of "griego" (Greek, the classic Western European ethnicon for something that makes no sense), while others claim it referred to Irish immigrants in Madrid."
  • "Gringo, a corruption of griego - Greek - and "not a pejorative at all," simply means "outsider" and in this book gringo is used "as it is used in México - any non-Spanish speaking foreigner.""
  • "Original meaning: Gringo is thought to come from griego ( "Greek"), since Greek was the proverbial example of an unintelligible language ( "It's all Greek to me!")."
Words like "griego"