Polite or polished manners, formed by education; a polite education.(adjective)
Gnu Collaboartive International Dictionary of English: licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)
Use "good breeding" in a sentence
""His St. Catherine (Borghese Palace) declines the compliments of the angels with an air of good breeding which is beyond description" (Burckhardt)."
"With all his good breeding and sincerity, Uncle Seryozha never concealed any characteristic but one; with the utmost shyness he concealed the tenderness of his affections, and if it ever forced itself into the light, it was only in exceptional circumstances and that against his will."
"This was some-thing new in Chinese women — coarse, insolent, and to the point — so to show my own delicacy and good breeding I gripped her port tit; under the thin blouse it felt like a large, hard pineapple."