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Definition of "gonococci" []

  • Plural form of gonococcus. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "gonococci" in a sentence
  • "_ -- A cover-glass preparation stained with methylene blue reveals the gonococci lying in pairs within the leucocytes."
  • "But, even so, we cannot be absolutely sure, because gonococci may be hidden in the uterus or in the Fallopian tubes."
  • "Referring to conditions 1 and 2, it sometimes happens that the patient has a minute amount of discharge or a few shreds in the urine, and I still permit him to marry; but this is done only after the discharge and shreds have been repeatedly examined and have been found to be catarrhal in character and absolutely free from any gonococci or other germs."