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Definition of "goddam" []

  • Common misspelling of goddamn. (interjection) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "goddam" in a sentence
  • "And some man, a stranger, an enemy, an Englishman, one that we call a goddam, for their unending blaspheming, holds out a crucifix of rough whittled wood, something of his own crude making, and I snatch it without pride from his dirty hands."
  • "Ask me if I looked like an asshole in my beige pants suit in the middle of all these practically teenagers in Bunting goddam Hall."
  • "6 Comments - “Fun with H1N1” - Comments Feed natedog (UID#1905) on November 17th, 2009 at 11: 22 am goddam is that GWBush in that bottom pic?"