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Definition of "gnarring" []

  • Present participle of gnar. (verb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "gnarring" in a sentence
  • "Through all the commotion of the king's visits, the coming and going, the clang of hoofs and clanking of armour, the heaving of hearts and clamour of tongues, he lay lapped in ignorance and ministration, hidden from the world and deaf to the gnarring of its wheels, prisoned in a twilight dungeon, to which Richard's sword had been the key."
  • "There they left him, shutting the great gnarring brazen door of the vault, as they departed for the upper regions of the castle."
  • "He woke in terror unspeakable, and would have started up but the moment he moved, the legserpent drew his coils closer, and closer still, and drew and drew until the quaking traitor heard the joints of his bedstead grinding and gnarring."