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Definition of "globus" [globus]

  • A ball; a globe; a globose body. Specifically (noun)

The Century Dictionary (Public Domain)

Use "globus" in a sentence
  • "For people in a coma, the brain region called the globus palladis, which regulates voluntary movement, is damaged, and it stops the action of the thalamus, which regulates consciousness."
  • "As Gratiolet remarks, whenever our attention is long concentrated on any subject, we forget to breathe, and then relieve ourselves by a deep inspiration; but the sighs of a sorrowful person, owing to his slow respiration and languid circulation, are eminently characteristic. 1 As the grief of a person in this state occasionally recurs and increases into a paroxysm, spasms affect the respiratory muscles, and he feels as if something, the so-called globus hystericus, was rising in his throat."
  • "A royal globus cruciger, a hand-sized ball topped with a cross, solid gold, studded with rubies and diamonds."