To listen: to devote one's attention to an auditory event.(verb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License
Use "give ear" in a sentence
"And when he had ended his verse, he said, “O my sister, give ear to what I shall enjoin on thee”; whereto she replied, “Hearkening and obedience.”"
"His brother Frederick II (1544-46), who for a time belonged to the Smalkaldic League, was more ready to give ear to innovations, but in many respects still wavered."
"Moreover, the prelate of the German province exculpated him, saying that he and the Master-general of the Order had held a strict visitation about him, as was fitting, and had found nothing against him, save that a wicked woman, who was unworthy to be believed, had spoken maliciously of the honest man; a thing which might very well happen, if people would give ear to wicked tongues."