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Definition of "give ear" []

  • To listen: to devote one's attention to an auditory event. (verb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "give ear" in a sentence
  • "And when he had ended his verse, he said, “O my sister, give ear to what I shall enjoin on thee”; whereto she replied, “Hearkening and obedience.”"
  • "His brother Frederick II (1544-46), who for a time belonged to the Smalkaldic League, was more ready to give ear to innovations, but in many respects still wavered."
  • "Moreover, the prelate of the German province exculpated him, saying that he and the Master-general of the Order had held a strict visitation about him, as was fitting, and had found nothing against him, save that a wicked woman, who was unworthy to be believed, had spoken maliciously of the honest man; a thing which might very well happen, if people would give ear to wicked tongues."
Words like "give ear"