Gnu Collaboartive International Dictionary of English: licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)
Use "gere" in a sentence
"Nettamente pi indietro, 471 yds e 2 TD, Aaron Hernandez, che the Gainesville ha fatto rimpian! gere poc hissimo lottimo Cornelius Ingram rivelandosi fondamentale per il flitting diversion di Tebow, in cui ha sempre ricoperto un ruolo fondamentale al pari di Riley Cooper, clamorosamente escluso dalla corsa al Biletnikoff."
"They accepted the name and funds of the Democratic party and now they are playing right into the hands of the "party of no" by going their own way and delaying the passage of health care reform legislation – and now gere they go campaigning for the passage of concealed weapon legislation which is counter to the values which make most of us identify with the Democratic party."
"Oro supplex et acclinis, cor contritum quasi cinis: gere curam mei finis."