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Definition of "gay-wings" []

  • A common trailing perennial milkwort (Polygala paucifolia) of eastern North America having leaves like wintergreen and usually rosy-purple flowers with winged sepals. (noun)

Gnu Collaboartive International Dictionary of English: licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Use "gay-wings" in a sentence
  • "The elegant silvery May-star is seen here and there; by its side the tall, slender mitella, while warm, rose-colored gay-wings are lying among the mosses, and each of these flowers has an interest for those who choose to make their acquaintance."
  • "As for the May-wings, 1 or "gay-wings," they are in truth one of the gayest little blossoms we have; growing low as they do and many of their winged flowers together, you might fancy them so many warm lilac, or deep rose-colored butterflies resting on the mosses."