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Definition of "gas engine" []

  • An engine in which the motion of the piston is produced by the combustion or sudden production or expansion of gas; -- especially, an engine in which an explosive mixture of gas and air is forced into the working cylinder and ignited there by a gas flame or an electric spark. (noun)
  • A kind of internal-combustion engine (which see) using fixed gas; also, broadly, any internal-combustion engine.

Gnu Collaboartive International Dictionary of English: licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Use "gas engine" in a sentence
  • "Don’t, however, accept a gas engine when you paid for a Detroit Diesel!"
  • "Choose a gas engine on a rig if you need fast acceleration, as in a van-based RV that you plan to use to commute to work in congested New York or Los Angeles."
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