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Definition of "gaol-bird" [gaol-bird]

  • Alternative spelling of gaolbird. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "gaol-bird" in a sentence
  • "After half an hour, I had come up with two small conclusions: First, my captor was a man of no mean ability, a remarkably intelligent, efficient, and daring individual who showed no signs of the gaol-bird in his manner and who was, therefore, among the more successful criminals."
  • "I had a box seat, and as we drove through the avenues of trees, down the roads, with the gardens of the comfortable-looking bungalows a mass of green foliage and tropical blooms on either side of us, I felt like a gaol-bird escaped from his cage."
  • "One day, however, I heard from a more experienced "gaol-bird" that permission to write a letter was sometimes granted if "on business.""