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Definition of "gametocytes" [gametocytes]

  • Plural form of gametocyte. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "gametocytes" in a sentence
  • "Meanwhile, some of them transform into what are called gametocytes, and these are the form of the parasite that then comes out into the bloodstream and waits for another mosquito to come along and bite that infect person and carry and then they do another cycle of reproduction inside the mosquito and then go on to the next victim of the mosquito."
  • "When certain forms of blood stage parasites, called "gametocytes" are picked up by a female Anopheles mosquito during a blood meal, they start another, different cycle of growth and multiplication in the mosquito."
  • "(BTW, if life begins at conception, that is the fusion of the male and female gametocytes, is it permissible to prevent pregnancy by means of an IUD, which interferes with implantation?)"